Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sometimes you just gotta do it.

We all have those times when we find something we'd like to have, add it to our cart, then close the browser.  Either you can't see yourself really needing it, or you have better things to spend your money on - but you find yourself visiting it once and a while and imagining how much better your life would be if you had it (dramatic? yes.).  As many of you know from my other post, I've been craving a bubble necklace, but had previously been on the fence about it.  Well since I'm on vacation and in a spending mood, I decided to finally pick one up from The Poke A Dot Shop in the color wine red.  I picked this because it was: 1.  Cheap, only $20 bucks (so if I don't love it, I'm not out $150 via J. Crew) and 2.  A versatile color that wasn't too bright and as one of my sorority's colors, I can wear it to formal events paired with an ivory or black dress.

Also new to me that I've just received after a bit of debating is J. Crew's Perfect Shirt in polka-dot chambray.  It's something that Carly aka The College Prepster has been recommending for so long - so I finally just ordered one!  I've already gotten it in the mail, but I didn't take it on vacation with me, so I'm excited to get home and piece together a few new looks!

On a whim while perusing Target's nail polish aisle in West Chester, PA., I noticed that their Essie nail polishes are about $1.50 cheaper than in Minnesota!  So I finally picked up Essie's A Crewed Interest!  Super cute, fun fall color that will be a nice transition from August into September!

What are some items you're debating about or have finally ordered?  I'd love to hear!

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